Tuesday, October 2, 2007

A glutton for punishment

I see that some of you have had experience with the doll clothes debacle. The advice to go buy doll clothes is so appreciated and so smart and probably even cheaper. But the satisfaction of doing it myself, the whole need to say that I can do it…keeps pushing me onward. Although I have learned that all material needs to be stretchy!


Anonymous said...

I agree...totally! Good for you for trying these projects, as difficult as they seem. There's nothing like seeing the finished product, is there?

Also, there's no better gift than one that is made by a special person.

I might even dust off the old machine and give it a whirl ...someday!

B. in Wi

Agate Lake Girl said...

I agree with stretchy material. Works for big people too. Love my stretchy jeans - that's why I still fit into them even though I no longer frequent the gym.

Okay, lol, as if I ever "frequented" the gym!

Jess said...

Well, I don't actually have any experience -- with dolls or with their apparel -- but it just seems logical to me that buying their clothing would be easier and less stressful than making it. Of course, that philosphy stems from the fact that I couldn't sew my way out of a box.