Sunday, October 28, 2007

Brain Fart!

Did you ever have a brain fart so big you can’t remember something you know, you know? Well yesterday my oldest brother threw me a curve by saying it was our niece’s birthday a couple weeks ago. (They had just sent her a gift) And I said no, it was our nephew’s B-day but not our niece’s. Hers is in the spring, like April, I thought. We tossed it back and forth a few times my husband agreed with him and we all agreed to disagree.
(Until I could prove them wrong, that is!)

So this morning I started looking for my birthday book. I couldn’t find it. I found my Mother’s address and birthday book, their birthday's weren't listed in there. Now, I thought that was very weird but I pressed on. I called Shannon; she couldn’t find her birthday calender either. She was searching her palm pilot but a car accident in the street in front of her house was more interesting…so she went out to investigate.
Then I thought I will pull them up on my office computer, I have them insured. However, the kids weren’t listed under the members tab. Now this just plain pissed me off. So, like an idiot, and the worst aunt in the world, I called their mom, and just asked. Ah ha! I was right! Lil’s B-day was in April and Ian’s was in Sept. Then I decided to enter them in the computer as long as I was at it and low and behold they were already listed in there…I had looked in the wrong place. We have a new more updated place to look…I forgot that.
Then I walked upstairs and went to put my mom’s book away so I wouldn’t lose that too…and I saw a birthday tab…I had been looking in the address section. Of course in the birthday section…they were listed there! Of course my mother, who was the most organized person I know, had NOT forgotten to write down the birthdates of two of her grandchildren. Then when I put the book away, where it belonged this time, there was my birthday book! Brain Fart…so big! So this never happens again I am going to do what my mother always did. Every January she would write everyone's birthday on the new calender before she tossed out the old one. That way she never forgot anyones big day.
The silver lining is that I was right and I get to email that to my brother later! I love being right! (Even if I had to look like an idiot to prove it!)

1 comment:

Agate Lake Girl said...

I hate when that happens!

By the way, I used a new bar of soap yesterday and dropped it twice! What is up with that?