Wednesday, August 27, 2008

maddening meeting

Tonight was our homeowner association meeting and it was very maddening to say the least. Currently included in our monthly association fee is an armed alarm company. But the contract was up for renewal and about thirty of us attended to try to get them to drop the contract and let each homeowner choose his own company and pay their own, like many of us are doing anyway. We didn't want the fees reduced as with the rising costs we were sure they would be raising them soon anyway. We just didn't want that money thrown away but wanted it rather to stay in the association for other things. Those who had the present alarm company could stay with it. It was a win win for everyone as whatever raise they decide on would be less with the 20,000 plus per year staying in the budget. But some of them would just not listen to reason. Everyone got quite upset but in the end it is what it is, not much we can do about it.

We all met in this tiny pool house and it was so hot we were all ringing wet when we left. I drank two bottles of water the first 10 minutes I was home.

Shannon and I went to the Sex in the City movie and it was okay, pretty good. It seemed long I worried for an hour that it would end bad because time was running out but I guess there was enough time to end it properly after all. I am also headed to Dark Knight in the next couple days so we will see how that is.

I am finishing a blah book but I need it done to start another so I'm off to bed to read.


Carol said...

Ah yes, you have a little pond with your community and people who want to be big fish. They like the power and control and so they stick fast to their decisions. Sorry it was so maddening - change is hard for a lot of people. Does that mean you have to change out your alarm after all that trouble?

Enjoy Dark Knight, I've heard it is great!

Jess said...

The Dark Knight is good; I wanted to see Sex and the City, but never got around to it.

Erin said...

Did I just read that you already pay for an alarm system and yet you have been going back and forth with George to get another system set up? Please elaborate...that doesn't line up in my mind. Was the homeowners system crap?