Monday, August 11, 2008


If using this alarm is a compli-f_ _ _ing-cated as having it installed--I am as good as dead!
Holy crap it took from 8:00 am until 3:00 pm to day as well as most of the afternoon Friday and they still need to come back for the remote as the one they had was faulty. Now we are at Shannon's for what I expect to be another long long afternoon and night.

New subject-I ran to Publix got the in 10 items or less aisle behind two people. The first one was a very old man, the check out a very old lady. The man had a loaded cart so right there not good. The man had a major crush on the old lady and they talked after every scan. Finally the person ahead of me said, "lady can you talk and scan?" Finally my turn and the old geazer came back and asked her for a date! Yes, it was kind of cute but not in the 10 items or less lane! Come on!

My company isn't going to get here until around 9:00 so I guess it will be a late night!


Jess said...

Why do the alarm installing people have to keep coming back? They don't bring all the necessities with them on one visit? Or, are there unexpected problems?

Enjoy your company!

Erin said...

You could have trained Angel to "attack" in the time it has taken them to install your system. I am wondering the same as Jess. If I were working right now and had to come home for this I would have been peaved beyond belief. My semi-nonchalant attitude and patience is about to end once I go back to work. Look out FL! (see, I think I have mellowed quite a bit during pregnancy/motherhood...maybe not)

Carol said...

So did she say yes??? I think it is really sweet - and probably why he picked that aisle even when he shouldn't have.