Saturday, November 1, 2008


When I was a young teen, (yes I can remember that far back) my gal friends and I had a thing about words. We liked some we hated some. For instance, we hated agony, anguish, Hank & hug. Don't ask me to explain, we just did so when we were irritated by anything we would say (groan) them all in a row, agony anguish hank hug. Over & over. Try it it relaxes you.

Words we liked:
Earp (my mom hated this word and if she heard me say it she washed my mouth out with soap.)

Zotz was a very bad movie from the early sixties, the only good thing about the movie and the only thing I remember about it was the word Zotz...we used it for everything from hexing some one to swearing around parents & teachers & they never knew, to the equivalent of Zotz you're looking hot/cool whatever...Zotz was a good word!

I know it's absurd but for those of you who can't relate...ZOTZ to you.

PS Trick or Treating sucked for kids in down-poured all night! Wish the kids would dress up and try again tonight! All those costumes wasted...sad. Hope I didn't jinx the weather because I hate Halloween.


mom2ET said...

The one that my Grandmother was really horrified by was puke. Only a true heathen would puke, a civilized person vomited.

The one that send shivers down my spine is "nuthin". I'm ok with this word if it is in reference to sitting around on a Friday night. However, if this is the answer you give your boyfriend when he calls while you are at work, I go nuts.
The correct answer is "I am currently at work, we are not busy, however it is unprofessional for me to take personal calls that are not an emergency. I will return your call when I go on break."

Jess said...

We've never gotten many trick or treaters in the past so I don't think the weather impacted them this year.

Carol said...

Yes, words definitely have differnt connotations to them. Why in the world did you mother not like the word Earp? It is really more of a name than a word - isn't it?

I can totally related and Zotz to you too!!! :)

Don't worry, I don't think you jinxed the weather!