Monday, January 12, 2009

zippity do dah

Shannon stole my story about Australia, (good!) Huge Jackman, (yummy) and the old snoring guys. (loud) Which leaves me with zippity do dah to post about. However, I can add my 2 cents worth about the movie and say the big screen does it justice so Erin go see it at the old theater, it's cheaper than a movie rental.

To Jess's question about my email program: It is my email from work and if I don't want to go all the way into Am Fam and my computer set up...very slow to get to...I can quickly access email only from the web but it saves nothing except inbox. No address, zip.

Waiting here at Shannon's for the ATT TV guy to appear. (My money is on they aren't coming again!) Shannon went to school to get some paper work, I put Rylee to sleep in her stroller, the only way I have any luck these days, now I have time to read blogs. I'm sure yours will all be more interesting.


Jess said...

Sign up for a yahoo or gmail account. They're free, easy to use, have huge storage capacity, virus protection, and have address books!

Erin said...

I thought the new service was installed already? Jon mentioned 8000 channels. Hmmm...hopefully he showed and you are up and running.

Carol said...

Jess has a great idea - you must have a gmail account anyway to have started your blog. If you use that you can have quick access to your email anywhere and can save addresses!