Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Rylee and I watched the swearing in and I told Rylee we would write in her baby book that she watched history being made! How wonderful!

As for Obama, God be with him, now the hard work begins. He will need all our prayers. We must all help pull this nation upright by doing our part and by giving our President the respect he deserves as the leader of our country.

But FYI--Whoever is President whether we voted for him or not. Whether we agree with what he does or not. Whether he is Dem. or Rep. he deserves to have our respect. I think we should all keep that in mind going forward.

I think it's appalling how many people say such awful things about our presidents. From now on let's take a page from Thumpers' book...if we can't say anything nice, lets say nothing at all!

1 comment:

Jess said...

I disagree.

Dissent is part of democracy, and the fact that we have the freedom to disagree with and dislike our government and its administrative practices is what makes this democracy so successful.

There have been some terrible presidents. Some because they just didn't know how to handle the post (Ullysses S. Grant), some because they were immovable in their ego (Andrew Johnson), some because their personal ambition outweighed the common good (Richard Nixon), and some because they were reckless, foolish and allowed others to govern for them (George W. Bush). I don't have to like or respect anyone of these men as presidents.

So, while I personally voted for Obama, and I believe in the potential he can bring to the office, I know that there are 54 million Americans out there who did not vote for him and who do not share my enthusiasm for him. And that's fine. We don't have to agree with one another.

P.S. What you should also write down in Rylee's baby book, is that not only did she witness history, but that perhaps in 40 or 50 years, that could be her taking that oath! Exciting to think about.