Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I'm too sexy for my...

Today Shannon, myself and Rylee went to return a comcast box at the strip-mall on Sunrise and Pine Island. The mall was very busy and the only place to park was on the other side of the mall, to-hell and gone from the comcast store. Rylee was screaming and we had to pull out her stroller, baby bags, two purses and the comcast box...and truck clear around the mall. Which, by the way we did with no thought of a complaint. When we got near the Sally Beauty Supply store up zips a red Mercedes convertible and parks in the fire lane right in front of the store. Out hops the driver, an I'm too sexy for my, rich-bitch blond type, who saunters into the store.

This set Shannon off..."I suppose just because she is rich she thinks the rules don't apply to her and she is way to good to park across the lot and walk!" She grumbled. Then went into comcast while I walked Rylee around. When we were done and walking back the blond was just getting into her car. Shannon groaned. At which point I said, "I hope her nail polish emergency got taken car of!" That got us both laughing. Then Shannon pointed out that if either of us was really "ballsy" we would have said that to her face! So from Shannon's post about being more ballsy...I guess we still have a way to go.


Jess said...

Yeah, but think how her life is probably empty and meaningless. That's how I try to console myself with people like that.

My thought when reading this, however, was that if you were both going, I don't get why you parked at all. If I'd been you, I would have just let one person sit in the iddled car with Rylee outside of Comcast while the other ran in to return the cable box. But that's just me. Getting all the stuff outta the car for a short task just seems like a hassle.

MN Mom said...

To Jess's comment...Rylee was screaming. We had to get her out so that we could walk her to put her to sleep. Otherwise if the car ride had put her to sleep one person would just circle the lot.

Ryan said...

So exactly how hot and rich was she? This is why God created camera phones ladies.

MN Mom said...

To Ryan...she was not that hot or sexy she just thought she was. She was mostly botox and peroxide!