Monday, September 22, 2008

Sweet Baby

Last night while babysitting, Rylee had an restless night. Her tummy was upset so I was holding her on my shoulder and rubbing her back. I she kept holding her head up and looking at me like why are you doing this to me??? Even in her obvious discomfort she was looking at me so sweetly I just kept thanking God for her. Then she had a blasting poo! After cleaning her up I thought she would feel better but it was not to be. About 30 minutes later her mommy and daddy came home and her daddy walked her and settled her down. So maybe it was his good mojoe or maybe she was feeling better but either way I hope she had a good nights sleep.

1 comment:

mom2ET said...

it is truly scary how much power a Daddy can have in making everything better. Emma will only let Chris take off band-aids, help her clean her earrings or hold her after a major trauma. Mommy's are usually the one that has to do the major scary stuff like cleaning off boo boo's. Daddy's job is usually not to create additional pain, but just make it feel better. Grandmas can fill this role in the event Mommy is there as well.