Thursday, March 12, 2009

Teeth cleaning

I am trying to pass some time this morning without going downstairs as I can't feed Angel or let her drink. She is going to the Vet for a teeth cleaning. She will not be happy with me later today I'll bet! I will let you know how she does.
As long as she will be under sedation I thought this might be a good time to get her chipped? I am going to look into it.

I am looking forward to a friend's visit this next week. She is coming for about ten days. During that time we are going to make jean quilts for her two grandson's. That should be fun. After she leaves my brother and his family are seems all my visits are in the Spring this year.

Well I'm off....


Jess said...

Good luck to Angel and her teeth cleaning!

Carol said...

I am just getting caught up on your last couple posts... Regarding polygamy there is an interesting show on HBO called Big Love the lead characters are polygamists and they have separated from one of the "cult compounds" where they are pretty radical. It is an interesting drama. We don't get HBO but we rent the DVDs when the season is released. It is interesting to see how someone could try to live in a normal neighborhood with a normal job and maintain that lifestyle. And regarding Mormons, I have some relatives who became Mormon, they are definitely NOT all into polygamy, though they do have a few strange beliefs, however they are not all wackos.

Good luck to Angel! Have fun with your friend!