Monday, March 23, 2009


Here is what I have been (slaving on) enjoying, instead of blogging! These jeans were all used-some used more than others-by my friend Jan, her husband and family. Then we turned them into quilts for her grandsons. Which is meant to be more of a warm hug from their family! It was hard work getting them done in this sort time span but it was a labor of love.


Jess said...


Erin said...

Wow! Great job.

Carol said...

Neat! And so special!

As for the cat, you could always take a picture, and post it on Craigslist and say you are giving it away free, there is a pet section. I am sure someone would want to rescue it. Especially if you share the story of what will happen to it if it does not find a good home.

Jenny said...

Those are fantastic!