Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Right for Rylee

Rylee seems to be doing better! Hurrah! She is eating and sleeping and seems pretty content on the formula. Shannon said she even slept 5 hours in a row last night. Hurrah again!

Things Rylee couldn't live without: (Besides her mom and dad of course.)

1. Sleep Sheep--already told you how great that works with it's sounds that put baby Rylee to sleep.

2. Boppy pillow--Since Rylee has acid reflux issues she needs to sleep propped up. We could use three of these but we are thankful we have one.

3. The stretchy blankets I made her that we swaddle her in all the time. All the sewing and time and effort I put in on all the quilts and figures these easy seam around the edges blankets would be the ones that work!

I wonder what will be her favorites in the coming months? I'm sure everything will change soon. As long as she is happy and not in discomfort we will be thankful.


Jess said...

I'm sure she'll soon be appreciating whiskers on kittens and brown paper packages tied up with string.

Crissy Rae said...

Glad she is finally starting to feel better. Poor little thing!

Carol said...

I am sure she will love all her Grandma goodies once she is old enough. I am glad she is settling in and things are going better!