Saturday, March 8, 2008

Nothing Much

Went to the Baby expo with Shannon today. It was overwhelming. Not just all the products but signing for up for all the free goodies, so we did the divide and conquer... (When I would sign up I could see the thoughts on their faces, "She is the oldest P.G. Mom ever!")

Some good info though. I am interested in the Cord Blood thing...any body have an opinion? It is expensive. It was so much easier having a baby in my day. We didn't know all the stuff we were doing wrong. Ignorance is bliss.

I was going to spend the evening with Shannon but Jon came home early...I guess the camping trip went as I was gone from 10:00 to 4:30 I came home to the dog. Angel was so happy to see me!


Erin said...

The cord blood is only good if you have another kid with problems. Supposedly it isn't going to help #1 in most cases. For the $$$$ they want plus storage...I am opting out. It is interesting though. I guess the sticker shock turned me off initially. Let me know if you got more out of it than I did.

Jess said...

I am only familiar with the cord blood issue via fiction; ie, Jodi Piccoult's "My Sister's Keeper," so I don't think I can add my two cents on the subject.

And, I don't necessarily think that much has been gained in terms of child-rearing and the modern thoughts/technology with it. Yeah, it's better that preggos know to avoid smoking, drinking, and other toxic activities. And yeah, it's good to know more about pre-natal nutrition, etc, but the rest? Seems like a lot of extra unnecessary stuff to worry people.

Carol said...

I have no idea what that is, but it sounds strange! I guess I have a lot to learn about having babies in the 21st century. Remember Stacy from the wedding? She is a OB/GYN nurse now, I'll ask her.