Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Dead Man Walking

You don't know the half of how relaxing an Easter I had...
Insomnia for weeks now plus the company and early schedule really got me down. I was a dead man walking. I was suppose to bring a salad to Venessa's for what I'm sure was a lovely dinner but I couldn't make it. About 3:30 I called Shannon and dropped off my salad...poor Jon came out to the car in the pouring and I mean pouring rain. I felt sick I was so exhausted. I came home and climbed into bed by five PM. & turned off my phone. Thankfully, I slept all night about 12 blissful hours. I feel so much better.

Monday I was productive and stayed up sewing until midnight. The sewing project needed a plastic piece about the size of a ruler only longer. So I called Shannon three times (no wonder she was cranky) giving her measurments to give Jon and ask if he could make something at work. By the last call I said erase it all...I am going to use a paint-stir stick. That reminded me so much of my dad. He would be knee deep in a project and yell "go get me a ...screw driver, hammer, nail whatever"...but by the time you got back he had figured out how to use a dime, stick, or whatever! It was sooo frustrating.
God, what I wouldn't give to have him here to ask me to run for something now...miss you dad, so much!

Don't take the people you love for granted because when they are gone you are lost without them.


Jess said...

Sometimes a person just needs a nice long night of sleep to set things right. Glad you're feeling improved!

Erin said...

I hope that staying up to midnight working on projects isn't for the LBF item you are crafting! No need to burn the midnight oil on my (or his) behalf.

Carol said...

Glad you were able to get some rest, sorry you were so worn out in the first place.

We never do have enough time with the people we love, do we? At least we can always hold tight to the memories!