Thursday, April 16, 2009

mutiny and mahem

Tonight we over-through our homeowners association board completely! Five for five. Putting it bluntly, we kicked their ass to the curb!

But it was completely uneventful. We marched in prepared for battle, but when we threw down our proxy sheets and they saw we had a quorum on our side...they backed down like little girls with pee pee pants. Damn it-took all the fun out of it. We called for nominations and tossed out five names. They didn't even put their names in the ring as they could see the writing on the wall.

Sadly, I was disappointed. I wanted to do battle. (I know, I'm an awful person.) Our board has been horrible and unreasonable. They wouldn't ever listen to anyone. One woman, Pamela, what a witch, I wanted her to speak up, but not a darn word. However, if looks could kill...we'd all be dead.

It was a very good feeling though and we were all very happy. We whistled a happy tune as we walked home.

At our meeting last Dec. when they wouldn't listen to about 25 of us all complaining about a contract they were about to sign with an alarm company we didn't want...and they said too bad, we don't have to listen because we make the decisions...all I have to say to them now is "Bye Bye!"

Gad that feels great!


Jess said...

Good for you guys!

Carol said...

Hooray! Good for you! Hopefully things will get better now - maybe you can even pass new regulations that allow majority vote on things. :)

Cathcing up - my hubby loves to tape dryer sheets to our ceiling fans to collect dust.