Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Across the pond

Yesterday I drove across the pond (aligator alley) to have lunch, shopping and dinner with my cousin and her friend. We had an amazing time. The best part was sitting -visiting- by her pool. It was windy and cold but still a great time.

One of the stores we went to had the coolest T-shirts, they were "old timers" with John Wayne's picture and a saying. They were cooler than they sound...I swear...I almost bought one.

We hit the best of everything jewelery store...I did go nuts there, mostly gifts, some even for me. I went into a Coldwater Creek store and splurged on a shirt and capris for myself, shouldn't have but oh well.

Day fun!


Jenny said...

I was drawn in by the title. I usually think of the pond going the other way from here. = )

It sounds like you had a great time!

Carol said...

You have to splurge on yourself every once in awhile! Glad you had a fun day.

Jess said...

Glad you had fun!