Wednesday, December 3, 2008

money doesn't grow on trees

Comcast gave me a call tonight. How lucky was I? Not very. I found out that the 138.00 I now pay a month for a few lousy channels and what they call high speed internet (I beg to differ) will be going to 156.00 mo. because I was getting a special deal and now it's running out. So maybe I will check out the ATT package or maybe I will cancel it all together. This shit costs too much moola & money doesn't grow on trees!

Couldn't sleep last night at I am hitting the hay early. (Angel is already sawing logs!)


Erin said...

Welcome to South Florida, land of outrageously priced products and craptastic service. At least they told you before you received a new bill with the increase. No matter how your slice and dice it, I think you will be paying around that no matter who you go with.

mom2ET said...

It is amazing what we find as a necessary expense today. The idea of not having our satellite would completely send us over the edge.

I went to the library the other day to go online to find a location on a map. At noon there was an hour and a half wait to get on to one of the 40 computers in their computer lab. Seems like alot of work for something that is supposed to be a convenience.

Jess said...

Wow. That is a lot. We have Comcast cable and internet and our bill is about $50 less than that.

Anonymous said...

I had the same thing go on with our local cable provider after our "special" was up. I went in to their office and asked if they had a better rate. Guess what they did and it was cut in 1/2 and back to my initial "special" rate. A few months ago my rate jumped again and I went back asking if there was a better rate and guess what, yep there was.
PS - I had to go into their local office because the 800 people have no clue and couldn't give me the same deal.

This is charter not comcast I'm dealing with.
Sheryl - Erins friend