Thursday, December 11, 2008

Going Postal

There are those who are dumb, and those who are dumber, but I venture to guess that I am dumbest! I hurried to get out all my Christmas cards and was so pleased with myself. Then today I went to the mail box and got four cards back stamped no postage! I have a weird feeling that isn't the last of it either.
Does anyone know if I can just put a stamp on it and re-send or because of the no postage thing do I need a new envelope?

I did accomplish something...I wrapped all the gifts tonight!


Jenny said...

I don't know the answer to your question, but I bet you still get your cards out before we do ours! = )

It is sad when we get to Ireland before our Christmas cards do...

Jess said...

I think you can just stamp and re-send, but I'm not positive. Call the PO and ask.