Sunday, February 10, 2008

Short order cook

Erin brought up a good point about the baby we are awaiting being more exhausting than 2 grade school kids...but she is forgetting one thing, I won't be the one getting up! That is why being the grandma is so perfect, I can have the baby when it's good, give it back when it's not.

I hope that both of your babies will sleep like Shannon did. From the first night we brought her home she slept all night. The first night we were scared to death and stood by the crib from about 2:00 on making sure she was breathing. I even changed her while she slept. She was always a good sleeper.

But I guess I paid for that later because she was a terrible eater! What a fight that was. I finally had to give up and make her the three things she liked over and over every night. I was reminded of it this week. Everyone wanted a different meal. Ian likes nothing. So in an attempt to get him to eat anything good for him at all-I made what he liked in addition to our meals. Although he barely ate any of it. (He fills up on too much pop, donuts & cookies.) However, Lilly is such a good eater and will try almost anything. I feel like a short order cook! Last night I even dreamed of cooking and dishes!

So here is to healthy, happy, sleepy babies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A baby that sleeps all night from the first night???? That is a true miracle!!! No wonder you stood there all night making sure she was okay. Did you ask the doctor about it to? I sure would have. That probably produced less sleep than if she had woken up!

Kids and food, yes, that is an on going battle and I think many parents/adults don't really realize how small a child's stomach is and how much sugar affects their behavior and habits. Good luck with that battle. At least you have left over to feed him the next day!