Thursday, February 7, 2008

A day in the life

Yesterday was busy. I cleaned, shopped for groceries, made up the beds in the guest rooms & cooked spaghetti and meatballs. Yes, I was getting company! My sister-in-law & my niece and nephew came for a weeks visit. Kathy rented a car and after getting lost three times finally got here. My directions were impeccable but still following Florida's oddly marked roads can be a challenge.

Shannon came over after work and the five of us had snacks, got them settled in, had dinner and a nice relaxing visit. They were tired after their trip so we all put on PJ's and the kids watched a movie in bed. Kathy read while I watched some Cashmere Mafia then we crashed early. Tomorrow we have shopping planned for summer clothes for the kids and a trip to the ocean.

It's only about 4:30 A.M. but I can't sleep. So I am playing on the computer which is quieter than TV, although I do love TV this time of night--paid programming. I always wonder why companies chose to sell their wares in the middle of the night. Who do they think is watching? I bet they hope some of us insomniacs are in a sleep deprived stupor and will just pick up the phone. One night I did that and bought Kaboom. Wow, do I love that for cleaning showers! Kaboom is a verb to me now. I always say to my husband…did you Kaboom today. I like to spray the shower every three or four days then you never have to scrub, it just stays clean. I worry while I’m down here that he won’t keep up with it. I am anal about clean showers.

Sharing these details of my boring life has put even me to sleep--over and out!


Jess said...

Have fun with your houseguests!

Anonymous said...

Not a boring life - a happy, comfortable, contented, loving life!!! We can all use these periods of blessed peace every once in awhile. Have fun with the family!