Thursday, February 14, 2008

I am sure by now no one is reading my blog it has been so long since I have had time to write. But now that my company is gone maybe atleast I can read some.

My relatives had a problem getting home because of bad weather. Ironically, not MN bad weather, snow, but Florida bad weather, rain and tornados. They went to the airport at noon on Wed. and didn't make it home until 1:00 Thursday afternoon. Luckily, while he was here, Jon borrowed Ian his PSP and Ian liked it so much he bought one just before he left. I'm sure his mother was thankful he had it, as they spent 24 hours in airports. Lilly had her game boy and the kids had home work...I'm sure homework was the highlight! You never know about flying...ask Shannon to tell you her weather related flying horror stories sometime.

Today was a whirlwind of laundry, cleaning and errands. Now I am watching Lost and crashing. (Not literally, I hope.)

1 comment:

Carol said...

Wow, that is a horror story. I have been fortunate so far considering how much I have flown in my life. I have never been stranded more than a couple of hours. All the crowds and noise would have driven me crazy!