Monday, November 12, 2007

Bad Karma

I guess I got paid back with some bad Karma for the blow-up the blow-up comment…’cause my knee blew-up!
Happened Friday about 3:00 just all of a sudden I couldn’t bend my knee John found my mom's cane & I hobbled up the 13 stairs to the apartment, ace-wrapped it and iced it all weekend. I managed to hobble down to work today but I don’t think I will work very long. I hope it gets better by this weekend as next week is prepping for Thanksgiving and that will take some doing in my current condition.
I had nothing to do all weekend but lay around so I turned on QVC which turned out to be hard on the credit card…How was I to know it was a Bare Esentials (make up) weekend! At least I didn’t buy any porcelain dolls! But with any luck maybe now I will look like one! Ha Ha!


Erin said...

What did you do-dance a jig, kick a can, slip on the ice?

Hope you heal fast. Ryan's knee still isn't 100%.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your knee! Try a nice hot bubble bath and pamper yourself! Get well soon. (Or use it as an excuse to keep having fun shopping! That is another form of pampering after all.)