Monday, January 25, 2010

Go Colts

I haven't watched a Vikings game in...well years...but I watched last night. Not a good omen as they lost. So I called a friend who is a big Colts fan to wish them luck. I said I'd watch...but now wondering if I'd be more help if I didn't?

Rylee came and spent the day with me, or part of the day I brought her home around 3:00. We had fun playing with her doll...change the baby, feed the baby, tickle the baby. Angel played too but she didn't really want too.

My brother and his wife are coming for a visit so I am trying to get ready. The thing is she only eats grass feed beef and for some reason all the easy meals I can think of are beef. Guess a trip to whole foods is in my future.

Nothing else much happening...


Jess said...

Yeah, the Vikings game was painful to watch.

Good luck getting ready for your houseguests!

Carol said...

Though neither my hubby nor myself are big professional football fans, we did watch the Vikings-Saints game and were cheering for the Vikings. It was an exciting game, but a horrible ending!